Thursday, 13 December 2012

Time to Wake Up PART ONE: Quantum Physics and Indigenous knowledge

For as long as I could remember, I wondered what created our reality.  I wondered why things were solid, why I was stuck in this body.  I held my hand in front of my face and wondered "how is this me?".  I looked around the room at the TV, the stereo, the shag carpet, the coffee table and wondered how all these things existed in the space in front of me.  Strange thoughts for a young girl.  Well... I believe I've finally found those answers.  Two science degrees and many years of indigenous education... I feel like I can finally share what I have learned!  Essentially what I found is - We create our collective reality!  This is a very exciting time for me, I hope I execute this correctly.  I suspect that this post will evolve over time - so if you're reading this... check back later... it may be updated.

I guess I should state my intent behind this series of posts...  I intend to inspire the hearts of the indigenous people and play my part in fueling the spiritual awakening.  I hope to educate all people on the truths of our existence and how indigenous knowledge had a lot to offer to the fields of physics, medicine and biology - contemporary science is finally catching up to our indigenous teachings.  

Indigenous people used to understand that we all created our collective reality - we must rediscover this knowledge 

All matter is made up of mostly empty space and it is impossible to actually touch anything

I will start with a very brief overview of the current scientific understanding of our universe.  Our physical world is made up of atoms, which are in turn made of subatomic particles held together by very strong forces.  Some subatomic particles are made up of smaller particles called quarks, however electrons are not made up of small particles, they are one of the smallest forms of matter.  Electrons orbit around a nucleus made up of protons and neutrons. Protons and neutrons account for most of the weight of the atom, the weight of the electrons are negligible.  Atoms are made mostly of space and because matter is made of atoms - all matter is mostly space!  Atoms are also the smallest magnets, they have a north and south pole.  As a result, the electromagnetic field of the earth looks identical to the electromagnetic field of an atom.

The Law of Gravitation is used to determine the magnitude of the gravitational force between two objects.

Coulomb's Law is used to determine the magnitude of the electric force between two elementary particles.

Notice how the two equations are quite similar?  It probably has something to do with the shape of the field - a torus - or donut shaped.

When atoms are bonded with one another they make molecules and compounds which give rise to the 3 (or 4 if you include plasma) states of matter - solids, liquids and gases.  Electrons are negative and found on the out side of the atom.  Each atom has a negative cloud of electrons flying around the nucleus - therefore atoms that are not chemically reacting - never actually touch each other.  The computer you think you are touching - well you aren't, because the atoms of the computer are repulsed by the atoms of your fingers.  

The electromagnetic spectrum is a form of energy that is in the shape of a wave, with very long wavelengths at one extreme and very short waves at the other extreme.  Radio waves are can be several kilometers long while gamma rays at the other end of the spectrum are shorter than the diameter of a single atom.  Light is a very small section of the electromagnetic spectrum... meaning we can only see a very tiny part of the energy that actually exists in our universe.

Light, alone is very intriguing.  It behaves as both a wave and a particle.  In contemporary science, they do not understand how light can be both particle and wave.  

This bit of background will bring us to Quantum Physics - concepts that indigenous people understood quite well.

The very act of observing, creates our physical reality as we experience it!

Contemporary scientists have found out that electrons, one of the smallest forms of matter - acts like a particle when observed but acts like a wave when not observed!  The electron behaved with endless possibilities as a wave function when not observed but as soon as the electron was observed, it acted like a particle.  The very act of observing creates our physical reality as we experience it.  The video below is an excellent re-animation of the experiment that made this amazing discovery.

So what does this mean?  Electrons and light behaving as both wave and particle?  It means that wave functions (energy) have the ability to physically manifest in infinite forms but as soon as someone is watching, one possibility is chosen as reality.  Likewise, it also means that all matter in it's smallest, most basic form is a wave function (energy).  What is a wave function?  It's a disturbance created in a medium (think sonic booms and dropping pebbles in water).  We all know about the energy held in waves - think of tsunamis, gamma rays etc.  Tsunamis are disturbances using water as a medium, sound travels through through air and use the gaseous molecules that make up air as a medium.  Electromagnetic waves (light, x-rays, gamma rays, radio, micro and infrared waves) are thought to have no medium.

Quantum physics also found that elementary particles can exist at more that one location at one time - Superposition.

Scientists call it Entanglement - Indigenous people call it Creator

Quantum Mechanics made another mind blowing discovery - that all things are connected - we are all connected to one another, to everything - they call it Entanglement - indigenous people called it Creator.
Wow - sounding almost New Age.  Well this is where science meets spirituality.  If you made it this far... congrats and thank you!

In summary - our physical reality is created from waves of energy - our physical reality is made up of mostly space - we create our physical world by observing it - when we aren't looking, the physical world truly exists as an infinite number of possibilities all existing at once  - all physical matter in our reality is connected to each other at the very basic level..

The videos at the bottom of the page are an excellent overview of quantum physics, it is portion of the movie What The Bleep Do We Know? Down the Rabbit Hole.  You need to watch these videos (or already have an understanding of quantum physics) to begin to understand how science and math are describing our reality and how our reality is dependent on our thoughts, feelings and beliefs.

The Fractal star pattern used for Star Blankets symbolizes the true nature of our reality - it's fractal, all connected and composed of energy (wave functions) 

At this point, I would like to stop talking about contemporary science for a little while and discuss the indigenous understanding of the universe - more specifically, an Anishinabe  (Ojibwe) understanding.  Ojibwe people understood the power behind positive and negative thoughts and intentions.  This understanding is reflected in the traditional belief system, the music, the dancing, the arts and the culture in general. It is well known that many indigenous people didn't use a written language however they did keep written records on birch bark scrolls.  Many of these scrolls are locked away in museums, the Smithsonian and private collections.  These scrolls used symbols to help aid in the interpretation of knowledge.  Indigenous people knew that true understanding of concepts comes from deep introspection - a good way to do this is to allow for interpretation.

Ojibwe people hold the star blanket as a symbol of honour and respect but what most people (including most indigenous people) don't understand is why that type of star is held in high regard.  Look at the shape of the star, how it is made up of 8 large diamonds that are in turn made up of smaller diamonds.  Also, the smallest star in the very middle is the exact same pattern as the largest star.  This pattern type is called a Fractal pattern and I believe that the star symbolized to indigenous people that the Creator is fractal in nature.  Fractal means that larger objects are made up of smaller, yet identical objects.  Our universe, in my opinion is fractal.  Elementary particles make up subatomic particles, that make up atoms, which in turn take the form of an infinite number of possible pieces of matter (books, insects, humans, clouds, grass etc etc) - remember that the earth and an electron have the exact same shaped electromagnetic field.

Indigenous people also understood that everyone and everything in our existence originates from the same source energy - the Creator energy.  They also understood that the Creator energy was neither benevolent nor malevolent, there is no heaven, no hell.... however there are beings that can influence our reality in both negative and positive ways.  Indigenous people knew that actions and thoughts had a direct influence on reality - non-indigenous people incorrectly called this belief system Paganism or witchcraft.  Most importantly, the Ojibwe had an understanding of the universe that literally set them free and allowed them to create their own reality.

Indigenous people used to believe that thoughts were tangible and capable of affecting reality.  Thinking a negative thought about someone was known as "putting bad medicine on someone".  "Medicine" how it is used today by indigenous peoples, is referring to the belief that thoughts, good or bad influence reality.  Today, contemporary science recognizes that thoughts exist physically as electric impulses in the brain - a wave function.  When more than one wave exists in a space, interference is possible.  So, if all matter is made of wave functions, a thought - also a wave  - could interfere with reality - IF both waves are resonating at the same frequency.   I know through personal experience, that indigenous ceremonies are designed to create wave functions in the physical form of thoughts, music and movement at frequencies capable of influencing reality.

Indigenous people had a deep understanding of our true power as creators of our reality - they had the ability to alter reality through wave interference.  There are two types of wave interference, Constructive and Destructive.  Constructive wave interference results when two waves interact and result in a new wave that that has a larger amplitude.  Destructive wave interference results when two waves interact and cancel each other out - there is no resultant wave.  Wave interference is done through the use of the circle, the four directions, musical vibrations and physical movement of energy - I will explain all of this in a later post - I promise!  

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